Monday, February 6, 2012

As Iron Sharpens Iron...

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)

When I was a freshman at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas, myself and a couple buddies felt led to start a christian fraternity on our campus.  As we began looking into it, we discovered that it is extremely difficult to do so without sponsorship of an already existing fraternity.  One of my buddies, Chad Cain, knew of a great group of young men who were involved in a christian fraternity on the Texas Tech campus in Lubbock, Texas.  They were known as Kappa Upsilon Chi, which signifies "Keeping Under Christ".  Well to make a long story short, through prayer and their guidance, we brought Kappa Upsilon Chi to Wayland.  I, along with eleven of my brothers, became the founding fathers of KYX Alpha Class Beta Chapter (You can learn more by clicking this link: Kappa Upsilon Chi - KYX). I mention all of this because the motto verse of the fraternity is Proverbs 27:17.  We became a brotherhood of believers that would encourage one another, help each other grow, and when necessary keep each other accountable.  I somewhat lost that after leaving college.  The reality is we need other men in our lives as brothers in Christ for all those things.  There is no such thing as a "lone-ranger christian", we need one another.  This last weekend I was blessed with and "Iron Sharpening Iron" moment.  I must first admit that I have been going through a "desert" season in my life spiritually.  It has been very dry, and at times, there is seemingly no relief in sight.  We had some of our good friends up for a visit this weekend, and the Lord used Clayton greatly in my life! We spent the weekend in great conversation, all of which was grounded in the truth of God's word, and through that time, a spiritual oasis appeared.  Truly as iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another!  Thank you Lord for Clayton and for the victory!!!

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