Thursday, February 16, 2012

All in a Days Work - My Wife's Garden

My wife decided she wanted to again do a garden this year.  We had one about 3 yrs ago, then we attempted to build some raised bed gardens (that didn't work).  So here we are, needing to till the earth to make ready for a new garden plot.  Thankfully we had just received a snow storm, that promptly melted in two days, making the ground moist and a little softer.  Of course softer is relative, as it was only softer than concrete.  At any rate, I was able to get the allotted space tilled and ready to receive seed. 

We have still yet to determine what that seed will be, but stay tuned as I post pics of the, Lord willing, bounty to come!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for tilling for me today. You did a great job. The soil looks so good.
