Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tweetbot for iOS - The Only Twiter Client on my iDevices

Perhaps you have heard of, or even use Tweetbot for iOS by Tapbots.   

It happens to be the only Twitter client I use on my iPhone and now iPad.  It originally was released as an iPhone only App, but with Tweetbot 2.0, it now has an iPad version as well.  The UI is simple and beautiful, with features (click link above for list of features) that blow the official Twitter App out of the water.  The list of previously used apps is numerous, from TweetDeck to Hootsuite, Uber Social to Twitter, and seemingly everywhere in between. The problem was always the same, they each offered something useful, but didn't meet all my needs in one client, until now!  I recommend checking out Tweetbot for iOS if you own an iPhone or iPad.  Yes it will cost you a few bucks, but it will be worth it!

You can download Tweetbot for iOS in the App Store: 



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