Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 Oklahoma Hunting Season

Well unfortunately I didn't make it into the deer woods very much this season, in fact only twice.  But on both occasions (both during bow season) I saw plenty of deer, and managed to put some venison in the freezer.  On both trips to the stand I had shooting opportunities.  This first night, I had a group of does come out onto the food source.  I watched them for a while, and waited for "big daddy". Since he, a nice tall, thick 10 pt., who stayed back behind me about 80 yards off and never came out, I decided to take one of the does.  She had come out to 40 yards, and was slightly quartering away when THWACK! A nice young doe on the ground and wonderful venison in the freezer for my family.

 Taken with my Mathews Switchback XT (yes I know it is an older bow, but it's still SMOOTH):

The next night the same opportunity presented itself and I decided to pass.  So though my deer hunting was limited, I had a success rate of 1/1 in arrows released to deer taken, saw plenty of wildlife (which for me is one of the most enjoyable parts), and got to be in the Lord's marvelous creation.  No trophies taken, not a lot of days spent on stand, but in my book a blessed and enjoyable 2011 Oklahoma Deer Hunting Season!

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