Friday, January 13, 2012

The "Fanboy" Transformation was made Complete

Okay, so I realize that this post is likely going to earn me the label of "Fanboy", but I am okay with that.  The reality is I am an Apple Fanboy.  It started small with desiring to get an iPhone.  When the iPhone was launched 5 years ago, they were to pricey for this preacher, so I had to bide my time.  Then it happened, with the launch of the 3GS, I was able to purchase my first iPhone.  Now, I already had owned iPods and was familiar with iTunes, but who knew it would be so nice to have a computer, camera, apps, music, etc. all in one device.  Then came the iPad, which I purchased about 4 months before Apple announced the launch of the iPad 2 (early bird may get the worm, but the tortoise gets the iPad 2).  Anyway, the usefulness of the iPad for me was immeasurable, in that I daily used journaling apps in conjunction with the Bible App, for preparing sermons, bible studies, and personal growth.  Yes, I know you can do those things with a pad, pen and bible, but the fun and ease of copying and pasting, along with being able to sync between my iPhone and iPad was great.  I have since upgraded to the iPhone 4S when it launched in November.  All of this is meant to get us to the complete transformation.  You see, though I loved all these Apple products (iPod, iPhone, iPad) I was still a PC guy.  I even had a friend, on more than one occasion, try to convince me to go all Apple and get a Mac.  Of course I scoffed at the idea, I was a dinosaur of habit.  The PC, and Windows in particular, were familiar to me and I had fear of a new learning curve, as well as software and hardware compatibility.  Then it happened!  My family and I were at my folks house for Christmas, and my PC laptop started acting up once again.  I had had it!!!  Of course my friends encouragement had begun to sway me, but this was the last straw...I was done with PC, and knew I wanted a Mac.  I went to Best Buy with the initial intent to buy a Macbook Air, but then decided to get the 13" Macbook Pro (Late 2011) model (the very model I type this post on).  It was now done, every electronic device that I owned and now used was Apple.  If I am honest, I was initially scared of the learning curve when I took it out of the box.  However all that fear was for not, as Mac OS X is about as user friendly as anything I have ever used.  I am thoroughly glad I made the switch and now will never go back to PC.  During that time during Christmas vacation, the transformation was made complete!

P.S. I also must say that my watch is now an iWatch.  My old iPod Nano (which I had passed down to my wife long ago) was up for recall because of battery issues.  So through Apple Replacement Program, I was able to get a new iPod Nano 6G (which my wife loving and graciously let me have back).  I then purchased a iWatchz band and voila:

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